Our dojo fees
Registration is for a six-month period (January – June; July – December)
- Adult monthly tuition: $20/month per adult
- Child and teen (< 18 years) monthly tuition: $15/month per child. (Discounts for larger families are negotiable)
- Monthly fees may be prorated as appropriate.
Traditional uniforms (gi) are available:
- $35 for adults
- $30 for children
Books & Resources
Three books are recommended to help you learn more about Shorin-ryu Karate, two of which can be purchased through the club:
[The Red Book; $15] Cummins, W. & Scaglione, R. (1984). Shorin-ryu Okinawan karate question and answer book. New York, NY: Person-to-Person Publishing.
[The Green Book; $15] Scaglione, R. & Cummins, W. (1994). Karate of Okinawa: Building warrior spirit with gan, soku, tanden, riki. New York, NY: Person-to-Person Publishing.
Nagamine, S. (1976). The essence of Okinawan karate-do. Singapore: Tuttle Publishing. Available online from a variety of sources.
The KataGuide app is available for iPhone and Android. This provide videos of each kata for student review.
The above are required reading for colored belts. As you advance with your karate practice, additional resources that you should be familiar with include the two published Anniversary Journals:
- USRKUSA 30th Anniversary Journal is available to read online at Hombu’s web site.
- USRKUSA 50th Anniversary Journal is available to purchase online.
Other recommended resources include:
- The Book of Five Rings – Miyamoto Musashi (The Victor Harris translation at Overlook Press is preferred)
- Moving Zen – C.W. Nicol
- The Karate Dojo – Peter Urban
- Karate-Do: My Way of Life – Gichin Funakoshi
- The Twenty Guiding Principles of Karate – Gichin Funakoshi
- Tales of Okinawa’s Great Masters – Shoshin Nagamine
Belt Test Fees
Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate USA belt test fees are $60 to test for yon-kyu (green belt), $80 to test for ni-kyu (brown belt), and $200 to test for sho-dan (black belt) and above. Please make checks payable to “Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate USA” and submit to Kyoshi Kaplan prior to the belt test event.
National Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate USA membership
All adult students (deshi) holding Ro-kyu rank or above are required to hold an annual membership in our national USRKUSA organization. The yearly membership fee is $25 for Kyu ranks (i.e., non-black belt ranks), due each November 1st, payable either by cash or check made out to “Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate USA”.
Privileges that come with the USRKUSA membership card include: the ability to train at our affiliated member dojo and clubs around the world, to transfer to those dojo or clubs should you move, and access to the USRKUSA web site and email, Techniques of the Week, and Newsletters.