A Family-Friendly Approach
Our dojo has established family-friendly policies, including special membership plans for entire families. Emphasis is placed on bringing families together in a fun, rewarding physical activity fostering both individual skills and community spirit.
Children, teens, and adults are encouraged to develop their physical skills, build strength and endurance, and apply mental discipline as they learn the basic moves and more complicated forms (kata).
Our Dojo Affiliation
Our dojo is one of the 29 Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate USA International System of Dojos around the world under the direction of Hanshi Robert Scaglione.
Meet Kyoshi Kaplan and his sensei Hanshi Robert Scaglione
Classes are taught primarily by Kyoshi Kaplan, with assistance from experienced Black Belt students.

Kyoshi Matt Kaplan
Director (Shihan)
Ueshiro Okinawan Karate Family Dojo
Kyoshi Kaplan has been training in Shorin-Ryu karate since 1981. Kyoshi Kaplan initially trained in New York City under Hanshi Robert Scaglione, opened a dojo in Hawaii in 1993, and started the Ueshiro Okinawan Karate Family Dojo in State College, PA in 2001.

Hanshi Robert Scaglione
Director (Shihan)
Ueshiro Shorin Ryu Karate USA
Hanshi Robert Scaglione trained with Grand Master Ansei Ueshiro, and has been practicing and promoting Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu karate for 50 years. Master Ueshiro originally brought Shorin-Ryu karate to the United States from Okinawa in 1962, and our organization is named in his honor.
Why we practice karate
Some of have us joined as parent-child/grandparent-grandchild pairs or a whole family, others as individuals. We each have come to practice karate for a variety of reasons: self-defense skills, for active family time, to exercise more, to develop self-discipline, and/or to have better balance in our life. Karate is more than kicking and punching. It encompasses a philosophy of self-development that transcends the physical, as conveyed in the saying, Ken Zen Sho (strength, spirit, and beauty).
Come join us!
We love working with families and individuals ages 5 to 75+. No prior experience is necessary, just bring your karate spirit and a willingness to learn! Give Kyoshi Kaplan a call to learn more about what karate can offer you and/or your family.